
Sky Ferreira garante que novo álbum, “Masochism”, será lançado neste ano

Por meio do Instagram, cantora Sky Ferreira prometeu aos fãs que irá lançar seu novo álbum em 2016. Intitulado “Masochism”, o novo material será mais “agressivo” do que o disco de debute da artista.

“Eu agradeço a paciência de alguns de vocês. Eu venho trabalhando no material o tempo todo e em 2016 vocês vão ouvir. Eu me recuso a fazer algo que não seja honesto. Não é algo que eu possa forçar acontecer”, começou. “Se eu tivesse terminado o álbum mais cedo, eu iria comprometer a mim mesma e a quem estiver ouvindo. Eu teria divulgado uma música que não seria fiel ou uma mensagem que eu não queria passar”. 

A artista também ressaltou que sente responsabilidade por aquilo que produz. “O que vai perdurar mais tempo do que eu é o meu atual ‘trabalho’. Eu tenho a rara oportunidade de ter pessoas conectadas à minha música. Pessoalmente, eu penso, que isso vêm com a responsabilidade de fazer algo que é verdadeiro pra mim, mas ainda possa – de alguma forma – fazer alguém se sentir melhor ou menos solitário”. 


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Instead of writing some giant personal post…I’m just going to say the solid points: Appreciate & love the people who are supportive & make a positive influence. Take care of yourself physically & mentally. Health is KEY! Change is good. Life is valuable/incredible. Fear will forever hold you back. Misery & getting fucked up aren’t productive or helpful when it comes to being creative (folklore lol). This is corny & I spent the last 2 minutes trying to say this another way but…you can only “free yourself”. I know most of you already know & understand all of this stuff. Same here…but I wasn’t actually doing it for a while. Now that I felt all of it (good & bad) it actually means something to me. My ❤️❤️❤️ for anyone that has or is experiencing any pain this year. I also know I’ve been really vague about my music so I appreciate the patience from some of you. I’ve been working on it the whole time & in 2016 you will hear it.I refuse to put out something that isn’t honest. It’s not something that I can force out. If I was to do it any sooner I either would have been compromising myself & anyone listening. I would have had to put out music that wasn’t true or a message I would not want to put out into the universe. As personal as my music is…the thing that lasts longer than I ever will is my actual “work”. I get the rare opportunity to have people listen & connect to it.I personally think with that comes a responsibility of making something that’s still true to me but still can somehow make someone feel better or less lonely. I can’t do that lying through my teeth.Needs to be the pretty/ugly/everything/nothing. For me, music (as a listener) was the most consistent & personal thing in my life that has helped me or healed me in every situation,to some capacity. If I even have a “goal”…it is to help do that for someone. Straight up. So THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!I’m so lucky to have friends & family that have been so supportive & kind lately. I’m also so happy that I’ve recently met/know people that have influenced my life in such a positive way. They probably aren’t even away of it. Be creative & healthy. CHEERS! BE SAFE 2NIGHT❤

Uma foto publicada por Sky Ferreira (@skyferreira) em

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